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The Mole in the White House?

I expect it's old news to most of my visitors, but, via Winds of Change, I've just discovered The Voice of the White House at TBRNews.org. He claims to be a staffer at the White House going back to at least the Nixon administration. His job entails web-surfing foreign news. Apparently he runs into Rove now and again for a chat.

I have no idea if this guy is who he claims to be. His stuff sure reads like its entirely credible, but that could be because those of us possessed with some insight into the world are predisposed to accept the veracity of his gossip.

As much as I'd like to believe this guy is for real I'm keeping packets of salt handy. The problem for me is that a political organization (in the sense of office-politics, though at orders of magnitude we can barely comprehend) as intensely paranoid and tight-knit as the BushCo White House would do all it can to rout this person out and make him disappear. After all, how many older staffers are there in the White House assigned to surf the web for foreign news? I expect it's a relatively finite number.

Anyways here, for what it's worth, is an entry from Nov 8:

November 7, 2004: “Many manifestations of pathological glee here in the Monkey Palace these days. We learn that Bush has cut down on his medication because he is euphoric over the election. He claims, and has done so in my presence, that God had given him a complete mandate[ 51 percent and a lot of that outright stolen by the Rove people] to change the political and moral face of America! Rove is behind all of this, telling everyone that God did indeed demand a complete restructuring of the grossly immoral American lifestyle. Homosexuality is to be made illegal [a new Federal law suggested by Delay and firmly endorsed by Rove] a form of Creationism to be taught in all schools, a modified draft, [mostly of technicians], military action against Iran and Syria, a strong message sent to both North Korea, the PRC and Russia to keep out of American business or suffer “serious consequences,” utter destruction of Iraqi cities that harbor any terrorists, regardless of the civilian casualties [‘Nits make lice,” as Rove told me when I mentioned the possibility of large casualties, to include women and children] US to get political control over the Ukraine and other Russian or former Russian areas, the securing of oil areas in Iran and the subsequent cutting off of exports to China [whom Rove loathes] and Japan with all oil being shipped either to the US or England. France, Germany and several other countries to be “starved of oil” for their lack of support for Bush, a board to be set up to control “vile and degrading pornography” in the films coming out of Hollywood and “encouragement” to produce more Mel Gibson-style religious films, the prohibition of any American citizen to make any investments or bank deposits outside the United States and the sequestering of any such funds in countries under treaty with us, resurrection of the old sedition laws to prevent any more criticism of government or what is amounting to the state religion, the overturn of Rove v. Wade and a host of environmental acts that Bush’s business friends claim are restricting their businesses, a strong encouragement to permit open and free immigration by Mexicans [already 13 million here as of two weeks ago] so they can supply American business cheap labor and replace some of the grunt jobs that even India won’t perform, laws to permit off shoring American jobs by business friends to improve their profit margins, investigation of legal possibilities to permit Bush to run again [i.e., lifting the two-term mandate] and the calculated marginalization of the Democrat party and a planned strategy to oust Democrats as state governors. Another planned assault on Democrats in Congress is being worked up even as I write. Rove has told me, and others, that this is to be a one-party state and if he achieves this, it will be his “crowning glory.” This ought to be enough for now. Am sending off the list of patrons of the male whore house and hope you have the guts to publish them. And I ought to tell you that sainted Fat Karl has some very bad things in his own background. Always suspect a man who accuses everyone of sexual deviancy and proclaims themselves to be a paragon of virtue. More on this really ugly subject later when I am able to make Xeroxes of the relevant files [kept in a safe well away from the Monkey Palace]”.

Mole or not, his analyses seem spot on. If not, then, like the novels of Dickens, sometimes fiction tells the truth better than the truth itself.


A Martial Minuette in a Minor Key

What's there to reach out to or understand when the right wing owns the means or dissemination of information and discussion? What's the point of reaching out or understanding people who are so thoroughly irrational or indoctrinated to believe that George W. Bush is God's regent on earth? It's a waste of time.
   —Rev. Mykeru

The awful reality is that George W. Bush won by 4 million votes. No, the awful reality is that he got any votes at all -- but he did. It doesn't matter if Bush stole 10,000 votes in this shitty Ohio county and 4,000 votes in that incest-ridden Deliverance county there -- he won the popular vote. He won a mandate. He won -- get it? Bush won! They voted for him, the stupid fucking suckers, after he gave them four years of the most shocking warp-speed national decline since Franz Josef abdicated. There is nothing normal or sane about what these Americans did. There is no way to spin that. It's just nauseating, sphincter-twisting, horrifyingly stupid and evil. So the coastal elite -- and we are an elite, thank god (what moron wouldn't want to be part of the elite? "Hey, I'm not elite, I'm akshully jus' a fuckin' stupid piece of shit chump who gits used by the elite, 'n by gum that's how's I likes it!") -- and the Democrats and everyone with a brain should stop flogging themselves or falsely localizing blame on a clique of evil Republican operatives who manipulated Middle America, and put the blame where the blame lies -- on the 59,000,000 fucks who voted to destroy America.
   —Mark Ames

Despite the fact that the American media is disgustingly useless, Americans still have full awareness of what is going on in Falluja, largely because the Bush regime is quite proud of it. I once was impolite enough to ask some Germans in Germany who had lived through the Nazi period what they knew at the time about what was going on. They said they were very sorry about what had happened, but, although they had strong hints, they really didn't know. Unless one is certain, what can an individual do in a police state when faced with hints of wrongdoing? Americans have no such excuse. The hypocrisy of Americans complaining about what is going on in Sudan while American troops are doing much worse in Iraq is amazing.

To work with Bush now, rather than against him, is to be a camp volunteer, reassuring doomed souls and keeping the queue moving as they walk to the showers.
   —Jeff Wells

The View From Behind The Mirror

Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.
   — Pat Robertson


Weaving the Fabric of Leadership

For those seeking connections between BushCo, Nazis, and Secret Societies this will get you started...

the bush nazi coke moonie connection

G.W.'s grandfather and great-grandfather, Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker, were among the chief American fundraisers for Germany's Nazi Party. Through industrialist Fritz Thyssen, the Bush-run Union Banking Company and W. A. Harriman & Company, the Bushes sold over $50 million in German bonds to American investors, starting in 1924. Thyssen in turn pumped money into the infant Nazi Party, which had proved its desire to rule and its willingness to use brute force in 1923's Munich Beer Hall Putsch.

George Walker, GW's great-grandfather, also set up the takeover of the Hamburg-America Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. In Germany, I.G. Farben was most famous for putting the gas in gas chambers; it was the producer of Zyklon B and other gasses used on victims of the Holocaust. The Bush family was not unaware of the nature of their investment partners. They hired Allen Dulles, the future head of the CIA, to hide the funds they were making from Nazi investments and the funds they were sending to Nazi Germany, rather than divest. It was only in 1942, when the government seized Union Banking Company assets under the Trading With The Enemy Act, that George Walker and Prescott Bush stopped pumping money into Hitler's regime.

George Bush, then an eighteen year-old man, held off entering Yale (a long-time Bush family destination, Prescott had graduated in 1917) to enter the military, perhaps to remove some of the tarnish from his family's honor. After the war, however, Bush joined the intelligence community and utilized his own connections to help fund drug runners from Laos to Panama. Most shocking was the so-called "cocaine coup" in Bolivia in June 1980, masterminded by fugitive Nazi Klaus Barbie, "The Butcher Of Lyons." Bush, as director of the CIA, had funneled enormous amounts of cash to drug runners including Manuel Noriega and helped in the destabilization of Argentina. Barbie, who had been previously secreted in Latin America by the CIA, began working closely with the Argentines and used drug money to finance a neo-Nazi cabal, one that succeeded in overthrowing the government. The troops swept through the capital wearing Nazi armbands, according to former DEA agent Mike Levine. They may as well have been wearing armbands portraying syringes, dollar bills and "Bush For President" buttons.

After the cocaine coup, the notorious Unification Church, the "Moonie" cult, began making inroads across Latin America. Among the first to arrive in La Paz after the Nazi/coke coup was Bo Hi Pak, Rev. Sun Myung Moon's right hand man. Moon had invested $4 million in the coup, it so turns out, and still had plenty of money left over to help finance George Bush's campaign for president in 1988. Moonie lieutenant Thomas Ward also acted as the go-between between Barbie and his CIA payrollers. The Moonies were also large funders of the Contras and heavy investors in Latin America generally. Bush is still in Moon's pocket: as recently as 1996, former President Bush flew to Argentina to appeal to Argentine president Carlos Menem to attend the gala celebration for Moon's latest right-wing newspaper. Bush has made hundreds of thousands of dollars stumping for Moon groups since leaving the Oval Office, and has been working to make sure GW Bush gets his share of drug-tainted, Nazi managed cult money for the latest Presidential campaign.

Siege Heil: The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California

George W. Bush's grandfather helped finance the Nazi Party. Karl Rove's grandfather allegedly helped run the Nazi Party, and helped build the Birkenau Death Camp. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Austrian father volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a ranking officer.
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The Bush family ties to the Nazi party are well known. In their 1994 Secret War Against the Jews, Mark Aarons and John Loftus use official US documents to establish that George Herbert Walker, George W. Bush's maternal great-grandfather, was one of Hitler's most important early backers. He funneled money to the rising young fascist through the Union Banking Corporation.
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The bank helped Hitler rise to power. It also helped him wage war. As late as July 31, 1941---well after the Nazi invasion of Poland---the U.S. government froze $3 million in Union Banking assets linked to Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was noted in the American press as a "German industrialist and original backer of Adolph Hitler."

Loftus writes that Thyssen's "American friends in New York City [were] Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker, the father and father-in-law of a future President of the United States." That would be the current president's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, also the former CIA director.
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Often ignored are the Bush family's post-World War II dealings with former Nazis. John Foster Dulles, who had worked with the Bush family in the Harriman Company in laundering money for Nazi Germany, was Dwight Eisenhower's Secretary of State. His brother Allen became CIA director.

As Martin Lee documents in The Beast Reawakens, American intelligence recruited numerous top Nazis to spy on the Soviets during the Cold War. Many established connections to the Bush family that had helped finance their original rise to power. In 1988 Project Censored, in its top award, noted "how the major mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised serious questions about the Republican candidate, George Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his presidential campaign's connection with a network of anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." Investigative reporter Russ Bellant established ties between the Republican Party and former Axis Nazis and fascists.

In 2000 and 2001 the Columbus Alive published a series of articles documenting further links between Bush, Sr. and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his own fascist networks in Japan and Korea.
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Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter---Nazi State Party Chairman---for his region. He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse.

Rove, who has been based in Utah and associated with the Mormon Church, is widely viewed as the chief engineer of the current Bush administration. He and Tom DeLay are attempting to force the Texas legislature to redistrict its Congressional delegations, adding seven sure seats to the Republican column. By controlling the state houses in New York, Florida, Texas and California, the GOP would have a lock on the four largest states in the union, and thus the ability to manipulate vote counts and strip voter registration rolls in the run-up to the 2004 election.

Rove is a prime behind-the-scenes mover in the Schwarzenegger campaign. On May 1, 1939, a year after the Nazis took control of Schwarzenegger's native Austria, his father Gustav, voluntarily joined Hilter's infamous Strumabteilung (SA), "brown shirt" stormtroopers. This was just six months after the brown shirts played a key role in the bloody Kristallnacht attacks on Germany's Jewish community.

The Vienna daily Der Standard noted recently that "Gustav, a high-ranking Nazi, brought up the bespectacled, rather frail boy with an iron fist and quite a few slaps in the face." Arnold's father favored a Hitler-style mustache in photos.

On October 3, ABC News broke the story of Schwarzenegger's 1977 interview in which he was asked whom he admired. Schwarzenegger replied, "I admire Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."

To cover himself, Schwarzenegger has made substantial donations to the Los Angeles-based Wiesenthal Center, which tracks down ex-Nazis. Arnold has also renounced Hitler.

But he has not renounced his friendship with fellow Austrian Kurt Waldheim, the one-time head of the United Nations with known Nazi ties. The book Arnold: An Unauthorized Biography, documents Arnold toasting Waldheim, who had participated in Nazi atrocities during World War II, at his wedding to Maria Shriver. "My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy," Arnold said. "But I love him and Maria does to, and so thank you, Kurt."
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Schwarzenegger & Rove at Bohemian Grove:

From what we've hear, the Republican hierarchy -- especially those close to former Gov. Pete Wilson -- would favor Schwarzenegger. At least that's the word that came out of the Bohemian Grove this past weekend, where a number of state and national GOPers, including presidential adviser Karl Rove, happened to have gathered at a club getaway.

Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove is a 2700-acre campground located in Sonoma County, California belonging to a San Francisco men's fine arts club known as the Bohemian Club, founded in 1872. The club is built on four pillars: music, literature, drama and arts, and the club attracts fine artists, both well known and unknown, as well as those who appreciate them, some of whom are business leaders, government officials (notably several U.S. presidents) and other prominent people.
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Some past attendees have reportedly included Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Alan Greenspan, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Robert Novak, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dick Cheney, as well as other political and business leaders. Many of the notable participants have been politically conservative, leading conspiracy theorists to speculate that the club is actually being used as a meeting place to secretly determine important public policies. However, the majority of the members and guests who are targets of such attacks meet only over the middle weekend of the encampment, and the club largely remains a haven for artists and art lovers.

Skull & Bones: The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush

But there is a fact about Kerry's past that brings him closer to Bush than any of the other candidates. Both Bush and Kerry are members of a secretive society dating back to their respective days at Yale University - Skull and Bones. This fact has not been widely reported but when Kerry's campaign spokesperson was asked about it, she said, "John Kerry has absolutely nothing to say on that subject. Sorry."

Skull And Bones

(CBS) As opposite as George Bush and John Kerry may seem to be, they do share a common secret - one they've shared for decades, and one they will not share with the electorate.

The secret: details of their membership in Skull and Bones, the elite Yale University society whose members include some of the most powerful men of the 20th century.

Bonesmen, as they're called, are forbidden to reveal what goes on in their inner sanctum, the windowless building on the Yale campus that is called the Tomb.

When 60 Minutes first reported on Skull & Bones last October, conspiracy theorists, who see Skull and Bones behind just about everything that goes wrong, and even right, in the world, were relishing the unthinkable - the possibility of two Bonesman fighting it out for the presidency.

Over the years, Bones has included presidents, cabinet officers, spies, Supreme Court justices, captains of industry, and often their sons and lately their daughters, a social and political network like no other.


Bush George Herbert Walker 1948
Kerry John Forbes 1966
Bush George Walker 1968

Book Excerpt: The Legend of Skull and Bones

Skull & BonesSometime in the early 1830s, a Yale student named William H. Russell - the future valedictorian of the class of 1833 - traveled to Germany to study for a year. Russell came from an inordinately wealthy family that ran one of the United States' most despicable business organizations of the nineteenth century: Russell and Company, an opium empire. Russell would later become a member of the Connecticut State Legislature, agGeneral in the Connecticut National Guard, and the founder of the Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven. While in Germany, Russell befriended the leader of an insidious German secret society that hailed the death.s head as its logo. Russell soon became caught up in this group, itself a sinister outgrowth of the notorious eighteenth century society of the Illuminati. When Russell returned to the U.S., he found an atmosphere so anti-Masonic that even his beloved Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society, had been unceremoniously stripped of its secrecy. Incensed, Russell rounded up a group of the most promising students in his class - including Alphonso Taft, the future Secretary of War, Attorney General, Minister to Austria, Ambassador to Russia, and father of future President William Howard Taft - and out of vengeance constructed the most powerful secret society the United States has ever known.

The men called their organization the "Brotherhood of Death," or, more informally, "The Order of Skull and Bones." They adopted the numerological symbol 322 because their group was the second chapter of the German organization, founded in 1832. They worshipped the goddess Eulogia, celebrated pirates, and covertly plotted an underground conspiracy to dominate the world.

Fast forward 170 years. Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members to the most powerful political position in the world. And its power is only increasing - the 2004 Presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society now, as one historian admonishes, is "'an international mafia' . . . unregulated and all but unknown." In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, Skull and Bones has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years.

Albright Backs Foreigners for Presidency

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said Friday that foreign-born citizens should be allowed to run for president, a reform that would require amending the Constitution.

"We are a country of immigrants. I think that it would be not a bad thing to try to figure out how to allow foreign-born people to become president," Albright told the Little Rock Rotary Club while in town to attend the opening of Bill Clinton's presidential library.

Supporters of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger have started an effort to amend the Constitution to allow immigrants to run for president. Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. Albright was born in Czechoslovakia.

Albright said foreign-born candidates would still have to meet certain requirements. "I think there has to be some very long period of time that somebody has lived in the U.S.," she said.

Schwarzenegger: Let foreign-born seek White House

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Arnold Schwarzenegger, making his Sunday talk show debut as governor, said that he and other foreign-born citizens should be eligible to run for the White House and that President Bush can carry California in November if he does more to help the state.
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The Republican governor said anyone who has been a U.S. citizen for at least 20 years -- as he has -- should "absolutely" be able to seek the presidency. A constitutional amendment proposed by Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, would make that possible.

If you're craving even more tinfoil-hat conspiracy stuff do more research on Sun Myung Moon and his key role in the ascendency of the neo-cons (check out his official coronation in the US Senate!), the Bohemian Grove, and Skull and Bones.


For Bonus Points you could start looking into the relation between Bush—Skull+BonesCIA—Mafia and their connection to JFK's assassination. For Extra Credit you can check out how JFK's assassination was the pivotal event in The Taking of America, 1-2-3 by Richard E. Sprague.
Rev Moon Coronation

National Treasure -- A Blipvert Movie Analysis

National Treasure
'Goonies for Adults'

Note: Major spoilers — don't read if you don't want to ruin the movie for yourself.

The question "Would you sacrifice the life of a loved one to save a piece of paper?" is answered in the affirmative, and this mutual willingness to kill a loved one so as to rescue a symbol helps bring them together.

Let's see. The Knights Templars, a group of rape-and-pillage ex-Crusaders who became bankers to royalty, eventually morphed into wealthy white landowning Freemasons who founded the United States of America. On the back of the the country's founding document is a map that leads to some treasure.

So the secret meaning of the Declaration of Independence, a document created by propertied white male freemasons, is that it's ultimately a map leading to incredible treasure, one that uses a putative democracy to transmute the plunder from heathen lands into mansions and Ferraris for those who know how to read it right.

Sounds right to me — Bruckheimer has produced his first documentary, one ideally suited for our time.


Truth as Treason

From the "Heads I win — Tails you lose" BushCo playbook, wherein their masterful framing of the issues creates nothing but win-win scenarios for themselves (and, consequently, lose-lose scenarios for the reality-based community) comes this apposite excerpt from Noam Chomsky's book Necessary Illusions: Thought Control in Democratic Societies:

To confront power is costly and difficult; high standards of evidence and argument are imposed, and critical analysis is naturally not welcomed by those who are in a position to react vigorously and to determine the array of rewards and punishments. Conformity to a "patriotic agenda," in contrast, imposes no such costs. Charges against official enemies barely require substantiation; they are, furthermore, protected from correction, which can be dismissed as apologetics for the criminals or as missing the forest for the trees. The system protects itself with indignation against a challenge to the right of deceit in the service of power, and the very idea of subjecting the ideological system to rational inquiry elicits incomprehension or outrage, though it is often masked in other terms...

A challenge to the underlying patriotic assumption is virtually unthinkable within the mainstream and, if permitted expression, would be dismissed as a variety of ideological fanaticism, an absurdity, even if backed by overwhelming evidence -- not a difficult task in this case...

Case by case we find that conformity is the easy way, and the path to privilege and prestige; dissidence carries personal costs that may be severe, even in a society that lacks such means of control as death squads, psychiatric prisons, or extermination camps. The very structure of the media is designed to induce conformity to established doctrine. In a three-minute stretch between commercials, or in seven hundred words, it is impossible to present unfamiliar thoughts or surprising conclusions with the argument and evidence required to afford them such credibility. Regurgitation of welcome pieties faces no such problem.

...According to this "propaganda model"...the media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner suportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly...

One prediction of the model is that it will be effectively excluded from discussion, for it questions a factual assumption that is most serviceable to the interests of established power: namely, that the media are adversarial and cantankerous, perhaps excessively so. However well-confirmed the model may be, then, it is inadmissible, and, the model predicts, should remain outside the spectrum of debate over the media. This conclusion too is empirically well-confirmed. Note that the model has a rather disconcerting feature. Plainly, it is either valid or invalid. If invalid, it may be dismissed; if valid, it will be dismissed. As in the case of eighteenth-century doctrine on seditious libel, truth is no defense; rather, it heightens the enormity of the crime of calling authority into disrepute. [em. mine]

It's this last sentence I find most fascinating, for I think it gives insight into not just the "propaganda model" of mainstream media that Chomsky discusses, but accounts for much of the mentality behind BushCo's supporters.

BushCo is wasting no time, now that he has his "mandate." It seems the Stalinist purges have already begun, and the thought police are gearing up. The gulags and forced drug treatments will be arriving shortly.

Here's one of my first posts, an oldie but goodie that seems particularly apt: The Loss of Authority's Face and the Coming Hot War.


Ruppert on Strategies for the Future

Mandatory reading from Michael C. Ruppert at From the Wilderness:
[via Michael Miller]

The biggest blessing today is that the disillusionment is so deep, so fundamental, that at last people who have bound themselves to ineffective political strategies may rethink their deeper core beliefs; their beliefs about what America was supposed to be versus what it has become. They will redraw their maps. Perhaps with that process - painful as it might be - will also come a willingness to abandon strategies which no longer work for entirely different ones that do. In order for that to happen, however, those on the left, as well as those conservative and libertarian voices who wanted to return a degree of sanity to the Republican party, will have to admit that America is not America anymore.

We are living in a foreign land; a nation that is behaving like our enemy; a nation which has weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

This nation is so deeply divided that the words "civil war" stand for a possibility that is longer remote. Next year, even the next few months, will reveal these deep and irreconcilable divisions. The electoral process is dead. Only the fear that there is nothing to replace it except revolution and bloodshed will prevent people from seeing that there are different ways to fight; ways that should have been adopted four years ago. The rest of the world knows that physical force is not effective in this struggle and the rest of the world has something to teach us. We will look anew perhaps at the Second Amendment to the Constitution, but it is in what's left of the First that we will find our strength. The freedom of association includes within it the right to decide where and how to spend our money.
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As a man who has written a book charging the President and especially the Vice President, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Commander of NORAD, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the former Directors of Central Intelligence and the FBI with multiple counts of premeditated murder, it is my belief that it is foolish to wait and see what the administration does. Now is the time to attack, and to attack with all of the vigor our movement and our wounded, offended spirits can muster...
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Only the protection offered by a universe that responds more powerfully to love than to fear can be an effective shield now. That protection has no limits in geography, nor do the dangers against which it guards. I criticize no one for making a decision to expatriate. Some may have physical or financial limitations and concerns. Some may be honoring an old Special Forces axiom that running today makes possible a fight more likely to succeed another day. This is a sifting out for the battles that are to come; battles which will be unlike anything ever seen in this country. There will also be a great many new brethren who will show up on battle lines that we must now redraw to suit ourselves. We must begin choosing the times and places of battle to suit our needs. No task is more important than this.

We have expended our money, our liberty, our hearts and our souls by spending money as powers that be, and media programming describing a fictitious America, told us we should; by volunteering in efforts that were laid out for us by others; by believing that we were doing the right thing playing in a rigged game...
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When will the American opposition start to ask what kind of return on investment they are getting? When will they start demanding better performance? What a waste and what a cost in broken hearts for the young, those just beginning to try and change the world. If the young are to save themselves (and us) they must refuse to be herded into a political process that is, in itself, their prison.

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There's a great first rule in economic warfare. It's exactly the same reason why flight attendants instruct people to put on their oxygen masks before assisting others when an airliner's cabin depressurizes. To save the world you must save yourself first. The way you start to fight with money is to get out of debt. If that means simplifying your life then that's good anyway, you'll use less energy. But to be debt free is to stop paying your money to the corporations and banks that are creating this naked aggression anyway.

These are the same corporations and banks that will come and pluck your economic corpse when the economy crashes next year as it surely must. If you are debt free then there will be less for them to pluck.
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"I can show these people how they and all of us can make more money by fixing money and what it does. But the first requirement is that people understand that they have to stop feeding the tapeworm that is creating all of this."

Perhaps now disillusioned Kerry supporters will take a second look at what FTW has been teaching for years.
  • Get out of debt.

  • Spend your money and time on things that give you energy and provide you with useful information.

  • Stop spending a penny with major banks, news media and corporations that feed you lies and leave you exhausted.

  • Learn how money works and use it like a weapon.

It is already becoming clear that as Peak Oil becomes a stark reality, survival will become a place-based, local phenomenon. Local economies, to the degree that they exist and are flourishing will provide strength to resist what is coming...

He is absolutely right, and touches directly on one aspect of where my zombie series will take us — the need to form our own small, local economies.

Go there and read the article in its entirety.

A BushCo Election Haiku

rig election
attacking hospital and doctors
distracts eyes


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The Winner's Celebratory Victory Game

The Home Team
[(via informant38)]

"You will be making history ... 40 years from now, 100 years from now, they (people) will be talking about the battle of Falluja," said Major General Richard Natonski.

"If someone raises their hands in surrender and starts charging you, what are you going to do? Shoot him. Why? Because of the threat of suicide bombers," said Colonel Michael Shupp.

On Saturday another military commander referred to the fighters in Falluja, as 'Satan'.

"But the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him," said Lieutenant Colonel Gareth Brandl.

The Goal

The hospital was selected as an early target because the U.S. military believed that it was the source of rumors about heavy casualties.

"It's a center of propaganda," a senior U.S. officer said Sunday.

This time, the U.S. military intends to fight its own information war, countering or squelching what has been one of the insurgents' most potent weapons. The military hopes that if it can hold its own in that war, then the armed invasion will smash what has become the largest remaining insurgent stronghold in Iraq.

The Play

Several hundred Iraqi troops were dispatched into Fallujah's main hospital after U.S. forces sealed off the area. The troops held about 50 men of military age inside the hospital, but about half were later freed.

According to The AP, Dr. Salih al-Issawi, head of the hospital, said he had asked U.S. officers to allow doctors and ambulances go inside the main part of the city to help the injured but they refused.

"The American troops' attempt to take over the hospital was not right because they thought that they would halt medical assistance to the resistance," he said by telephone. "But they did not realize that the hospital does not belong to anybody, especially the resistance."

The Score

Bush-installed interim Iraqi Prime Minster Iyad Allawi announced with a smile of victory that he personally ordered the capture of the hospital. So maybe it was not the Pentagon: it was an unelected politician asking a foreign occupation army to attack a hospital in his own country and preventing doctors and ambulances from entering a city under siege.

The assault, dubbed Operation Phantom Fury, perversely started on Laylat e-Qadr, the most important and holy night of the year for the Islamic world.

In terms of the information war, the hospital was indeed the most strategic of targets. During the first siege of Fallujah in April, doctors told independent media the real story about the suffering of civilian victims. So this time the Pentagon took no chances: no gory, disturbing photos of the elderly, women and children - the thousands unable to leave Fallujah in advance of this week's offensive, the civilian victims of the relentless bombing.

But this did not prevent the world from seeing doctors and patients at the hospital handcuffed to the floor - as if they were terrorists. Hospital director Dr Salih al-Issawi told Agence France-Presse that the Americans blocked him and other doctors from going to the center of Fallujah to help another clinic in distress; he also said an ambulance that tried to leave the hospital was shot at by the Americans - just like in April, when all ambulances were targeted. The Geneva Convention is explicit: in a war situation, hospitals and ambulances are neutral.

The Ref

  • Art. 18. Civilian hospitals organized to give care to the wounded and sick, the infirm and maternity cases, may in no circumstances be the object of attack but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict.

    States which are Parties to a conflict shall provide all civilian hospitals with certificates showing that they are civilian hospitals and that the buildings which they occupy are not used for any purpose which would deprive these hospitals of protection in accordance with Article 19.

    Civilian hospitals shall be marked by means of the emblem provided for in Article 38 of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of 12 August 1949, but only if so authorized by the State.

    The Parties to the conflict shall, in so far as military considerations permit, take the necessary steps to make the distinctive emblems indicating civilian hospitals clearly visible to the enemy land, air and naval forces in order to obviate the possibility of any hostile action.

    In view of the dangers to which hospitals may be exposed by being close to military objectives, it is recommended that such hospitals be situated as far as possible from such objectives.

  • Art. 19. The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit and after such warning has remained unheeded.

    The fact that sick or wounded members of the armed forces are nursed in these hospitals, or the presence of small arms and ammunition taken from such combatants which have not yet been handed to the proper service, shall not be considered to be acts harmful to the enemy.

  • Art. 20. Persons regularly and solely engaged in the operation and administration of civilian hospitals, including the personnel engaged in the search for, removal and transporting of and caring for wounded and sick civilians, the infirm and maternity cases shall be respected and protected.

    In occupied territory and in zones of military operations, the above personnel shall be recognizable by means of an identity card certifying their status, bearing the photograph of the holder and embossed with the stamp of the responsible authority, and also by means of a stamped, water-resistant armlet which they shall wear on the left arm while carrying out their duties. This armlet shall be issued by the State and shall bear the emblem provided for in Article 38 of the Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field of 12 August 1949.

The Fans

  • The Iraqi People will greet the American and British troops with flowers and open arms. They have been waiting for a "Messiah" to liberate them from the Devil "Saddam" for the past 35 years. With or without a second resolution, the Iraqi people must be saved. Thank God for Britain and the USA for helping the Iraqi people.
        —Usama, Iraq

  • QUESTIONER: Vice President Cheney yesterday said that he expects that American forces will be greeted as liberators and I wonder if you could tell us if you agree with that and how you think they'll be greeted and also what you meant you said before that some Iraqi opposition groups might be in Baghdad even before American forces?

    KANAN MAKIYA: I most certainly do agree with that. As I told the President on January 10th, I think they will be greeted with sweets and flowers in the first months and simply have very, very little doubts that that is the case.

    This is a remarkable situation in which the population of a country that's about to have a war waged over its head positively wants the war while all kinds of other countries don't for one reason or another. That should tell us a lot about this war and about the future (INAUDIBLE) which I think is desufficiently emphasized.

  • I am getting really sick of people who whine about "civilian casualties." Maybe I'm a hard-hearted guy, but when I see in the newspapers that civilians in Afghanistan or the West Bank were killed by American or Israeli troops, I don't really care. In fact, I would rather that the good guys use the Air Force to kill the bad guys, even if that means some civilians get killed along the way. One American soldier is worth far more than an Afghan civilian.
    &sdot &sdot &sdot
    The New York Times and other news services call both Afghan "non-combatants" and American "non-combatants" civilians. This is disingenuous. American civilians are people who go about their daily lives without providing cover for terrorists or giving them money. Afghan civilians are not.
    &sdot &sdot &sdot
    Some people might cry out at this "callousness." They might say that Al-Qaeda thinks the same thing about American civilians. This is a twisted argument. There is a difference between casualties from collateral damage and casualties from deliberate slaughter.

    The New York Times and others like it undermine the war effort for the sake of the few. In the end, this is a war to save humanity from the barbarity of fundamentalist Islam. It is inevitable for enemy civilians to be killed in war.
        —Ben Shapiro

The Judge's Decision

With our help, a liberated Iraq can be a great nation once again. Iraq is rich in natural resources and human talent, and has unlimited potential for a peaceful, prosperous future. Our goal would be an Iraq that has territorial integrity, government that is democratic and pluralistic, a nation where the human rights of every ethnic and religious group are recognized and protected. In that troubled land all who seek justice, and dignity, and the chance to live their own lives, can know they have a friend and ally in the United States of America.
    —Dick Cheney

Winners & Losers

Bush Cheney
Hurt Iraqi Kid


Wanna Move to Canada, Eh?

I've had several inquiries from friends in the blogosphere who didn't have Inspector Lohmann's foresight to leave Murka before now, and who now seek my help and advice for how they, too, can move out of the Benighted States of Murka to a place far more civilized (ie, Canada).

(And no, I'm not being facetious — Canada is, truly, far more civilized. For one thing, I'm no longer ashamed of how my tax dollars are disbursed, 'cause it seems to me I see where every dollar is going just by looking outside my window: clean streets, well maintained services, great public transit, excellent emergency services, good schools, efficient health care, etc etc — it ain't going into wars, death, environmental degradation, and CEOs' pockets. And there was no way I was going to raise my young son in Murka; nor do I want him to be called up to fight in imperial wars for a bunch of rapacious, cretinous, sociopathic zealots. (To cite only a few tiny reasons why Canada is vastly preferable to Murka...Someday I will blog at length as to why Canada is superior to Murka.))

Jon Husband and Dave Pollard have started a blog to help such people seeking a way to climb through the window to far more freedom — while it's still open, that is.

The blog can be found here: Moving to Canada, eh?

[added 12/21/04: This is a post I made there: 'We're Glad We Could Help One Escape' — it's a great introduction to the (official) ways one can move here. There are lots of other good articles there too — check it out!]

I have offered my assistance to them in whatever capacity they find I can be of help.

I sincerely hope that decent, intelligent USians will consider moving. Things will get a lot uglier, real soon.

Gaddis at 'et alia'

et alia has posted an introduction to William Gaddis and I just wanted to add my two cents.

I had intended to write my own a few months ago but never got around to it. So until I write my own appreciation I'll let et alia speak for me, just adding a few words of mine in the meantime.

The Holy Grail of serious Murkan writers is to write the "Great American Novel." Gaddis has done that. Want to understand Murka? Read JR. Read Carpenter's Gothic. Read all four of his incredible novels. (Well, actually five — I haven't read Agape Agape yet.)

He was not only prescient about where Murka was heading, he was a prophet. He saw and captured the ways in which consumer capitalism ruined not only society but our capacity for humanity. He saw the ways in which we are mere cogs amongst conspiracies. He saw the ways in which our souls are submerged amongst capitalism's detritus of thingness. His writing breathes with passion, empathy, wisdom, rage and sadness — and humor! He is frequently laugh-out-loud funny. He may well be America's most important writer of the late 20th Century. He is certainly one of the great satirists of all-time, right up there with Juvenal, Rabelais, Hogarth and Swift.

His writing may seem daunting at first. But once you abandon the expectations of traditional narrative structure and allow yourself to play on his terms it's smooth sailing to the point where you can't put it down. His novels are unique reading experiences. And no one writes dialogue like he does! (I would also argue that his descriptive skills are unrivalled as well!)

Gaddis is a major and terrifically influential author. He's also terrifically unread. This is a great pity. But, on the other hand, those who make the effort — and there aren't many of us left nowadays, are there? — will be terrifically rewarded. After all, the finest scotch or port can only be appreciated by the most discerning palate, and would be wasted on the majority of people as so much undrinkable swill.

Which doesn't mean his writing is elitist. It just means that it takes a certain sophistication and maturity to appreciate it.

I am unusual in my regard for Gaddis in that my favorite of his novels is Carpenter's Gothic. Most Gaddis fans would put JR or The Recognitions above CG. CG is considered his most accessible novel, and for good reason. But it is also irremediably bleak, dark, despairing, and hopeless — but with a savage smirk. Which is part of what I like most about it since I have a penchant for black humor. In CG Gaddis gave full expression to his anger and bitterness at his society, and did it entirely through the mechanics of storytelling.

So a quick Thanks! to et alia for his appreciation to Gaddis — perhaps the greatest, most influential, most undeservedly unread writer of our time.

The Brick Testament -- A Bible For Our Times

Truly a bible for our times, and a stunning labor of love. This translation is remarkable, and is giving me some of the greatest insight I've ever had to this awesomely significant cultural fairy tale. Here's a tiny sample:

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Genesis 38:7
But Judah's firstborn Er was offensive to Yahweh, and Yahweh killed him.

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Genesis 38:8
Judah said to Onan, 'Have sex with your brother's wife, performing the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise offspring for your brother.'

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Genesis 38:9
But knowing that the child would not be his, whenever Onan had sex with his brother's wife, he would spill his semen on the ground to avoid giving offspring to his brother.

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Genesis 38:10
What he did offended Yahweh, and Yahweh killed him too.

I'll let the great religious scholar and humanitarian Pat Robertson remind us just how important this book is to our culture:

When you look at the holy books of other religions, you find fantasy and bizarre supernatural events that do not commend themselves to reasonable people. But the Bible is actually authenticated by history.

Thanks, Pat. This translation is helping me see the light.


Of Zombies, Bloggers, and The Will To Power As Disappearance [Part 2: Zombie Pedagogy]

(Part 1: Zombies —>)

Zombie Pedagogy

How does one become a fascist zombie servant of Golem?

Diversion 2a: The Golem's Guide to Manipulating Habits and Opinions

Excerpts from Edward Bernays's book Propaganda [1928]:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key position in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons — a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million [1928 figures] — who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

It is not usually realized how necessary these invisible governors are to the orderly functioning of our group life. In theory, every citizen may vote for whom he pleases. Our Constitution does not envisage political parties as part of the mechanism of government, and its framers seem not to have pictured to themselves the existence in our national politics of anything like the modern political machine. But the American voters soon found that without organization and direction their individual votes, cast, perhaps, for dozens of hundreds of candidates, would produce nothing but confusion. Ever since then we have agreed, for the sake of simplicity and practicality, that party machines should narrow down the field of choice to two candidates, or at most three or four.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
...We have voluntarily agreed to let an invisible government sift the data and high-spot the outstanding issue so that our field of choice shall be narrowed to practical proportions. From our leaders and the media they use to reach the public, we accept the evidence and the demarcation of issues bearing upon public question; from some ethical teacher, be it a minister, a favorite essayist, or merely prevailing opinion, we accept a standardized code of social conduct to which we conform most of the time.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
...There is consequently a vast and continuous effort going on to capture our minds in the interest of some policy or commodity or idea.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Some of the phenomenon of this process are criticized — the manipulation of the news, the inflation of personality, and the general ballyhoo by which politicians and commercial products and social ideas are brought to the consciousness of the masses. The instruments by which public opinion is organized and focused may be misused. But such organization and focusing are necessary to orderly life.

As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.

Universal literacy was supposed to educate the common man to control his environment. Once he could read and write he would have a mind fit to rule. So ran the democratic doctrine. But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given him rubber stamps, rubber stamps inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of the tabloids and the platitutdes of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamps are the duplicates of millions of others, so that when those millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all received identical imprints. It may seem an exaggeration to say that the American public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion. The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of an organized effort to spread a particular belief or doctrine.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
The important thing is that it [ie, propaganda] is universal and continuous; and in its sum total it is regimenting the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments the bodies of its soldiers.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
But clearly it is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systematically. In the active proselytizing minorities in whom selfish interests and public interests coincide lie the progress and development of America. Only through the active energy of the intelligent few can the public at large become aware of and act upon new ideas.

Small groups of persons can, and do, make the rest of us think what they please about a given subject. But there are usually proponents and opponents of every propaganda, both of whom are equally eager to convince the majority.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
The invisible government tends to be concentrated in the hands of the few because of the expense of manipulating the social machinery which controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and actions is likewise expensive.

For this reason there is an increasing tendency to concentrate the functions of propaganda in the hands of the propaganda specialist. This specialist is more and more assuming a distinct place and function in our natural life.

New activities call for new nomenclature. The propagandist who specializes in interpreting enterprises and ideas to the public, and in interpreting the public to promulgators of new enterprises and ideas, has come to be known by the name of "public relations counsel."
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Men are rarely aware of the real reasons which motivate their actions. A man may believe that he buys a motor car because, after careful study of the technical features of all makes on the market, he has concluded that this is the best. He is almost certainly fooling himself...

It is chiefly the psychologists of the school of Freud who have pointed out that many of man's thoughts and actions are compensatory substitutes for desires which has been obliged to suppress [sic]...

This general principle, that men are very largely actuated by motives which they conceal from themselves, is as true of mass as of individual psychology. It is evident that the successful propagandist must understand the true motive and not be content to accept the reasons which men give for what they do.


[Edward Bernays was one of the founders of the Public Relations Industry.]

Our minds are the battlefield upon which various factions vie for control. It is no mere metaphor to say that our imaginations are colonized. We must first explore the mechanisms by which identity is created, then consciously exploited by these ontological colonizers, and thus see how this inevitably leads to us desiring the very things that oppress us — the fascism as defined by Foucault: "to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us."

Identity as Sociological Pas-de-Deux

Our identity and sense of reality are, ultimately, socially constructed. Peter Berger, in his exceptional introduction to sociology, Invitation to Sociology, explains this process very well.

[S]ociety confronts us as an objective facticity. It is there, something that cannot be denied and that must be reckoned with. Society is external to ourselves. It surrounds us, encompasses our life on all sides. We are in society, located in specific sectors of the social system. This location predetermines and predefines almost everything we do, from language to etiquette, from the religious beliefs we hold to the probability that we will commit suicide. Our wishes are not taken into consideration in this matter of social location, and our intellectual resistance to what society prescribes or proscribes avails very little at best, and frequently nothing. Society, as objective and external fact, confronts us especially in the form of coercion. Its institutions pattern our actions and even shape our expectations. They reward us to the extent that we stay within our assigned performances. If we step out of these assignments, society has at its disposal an almost infinite variety of controlling and coercing agencies. The sanctions of society are able, at each moment of existence, to isolate us among our fellow men, to subject us to ridicule, to deprive us of our sustenance and our liberty, and in the last resort to deprive us of life itself. The law and the morality of society can produce elaborate justifications for each one of these sanctions, and most of our fellow men will approve if they are used against us in punishment for our deviance. Finally, we are located in society not only in space but in time. Our society is a historical entity that extends temporally beyond any individual biography. Society antedates us and it will survive us. It was there before we were born and it will be there after we are dead. Our lives are but episodes in its majestic march through time. In sum, society is the walls of our imprisonment in history.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Identities are socially bestowed. They must also be socially sustained, and fairly steadily so. One cannot be human all by oneself and, apparently, one cannot hold on to any particular identity all by oneself. The self-image of the officer as an officer can be maintained only in a social context in which others are willing to recognize him in this identity. If this recognition is suddenly withdrawn, it usually does not take very long before the self-image collapses.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Looked at sociologically, the self is no longer a solid, given entity that moves from one situation to another. It is rather a process, continuously created and re-created in each social situation that one enters, held together by the slender thread of memory.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
The individual, then, derives his world view socially in very much the same way that he derives his role and his identity. In other words, his emotions and his self-interpretation like his actions are predefined for him by society, and so is his cognitive approach to the universe that surrounds him. This fact Alfred Schuetz has caught in his phrase "world-taken-for-granted" — the system of apparently self-evident and self-validating assumptions about the world that each society engenders in the course of its history...Society predefines for us that fundamental symbolic apparatus with which we grasp the world, order our experience and interpret our own existence.
In the same way, society supplies our values, our logic and the store of information (or, for that matter, misinformation) that constitutes our "knowledge." Very few people, and even they only in regard to fragments of this world view, are in a position to re-evaluate what has thus been imposed on them. They actually feel no need for reappraisal because the world view into which they have been socialized appears self-evident to them. Since it is also so regarded by almost everyone they are likely to deal with in their own society, the world view is self-validating...Reality is socially constructed.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
What happens in socialization is that the social world is internalized within the child...Only an understanding of internalization makes sense of the incredible fact that most external controls work most of the time for most of the people in a society. Society not only controls our movements, but shapes our identity, our thought and our emotions. The structures of society become the structures of our own consciousness...Our bondage to society is not so much established by conquest as by collusion. Sometimes, indeed, we are crushed into submission. Much more frequently we are entrapped by our own social nature. The walls of our imprisonment were there before we appeared on the scene, but they are ever rebuilt by ourselves. We are betrayed into captivity with our own cooperation.

As the South African activist, Steve Biko (murdered while in custody), said, "The greatest weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." The Golems know this very well.

It is as if there is a universal conspiracy that determines who we are, and what role we are determined to play. As we shall see later we may be able to find some ways outside of this conspiracy, but for now we must acknowledge the dance of identity we perform between the social forces that construe our identity, and our complicity in accepting this identity by internalizing it.

Here, from Frantz Fanon, is a concise example of how this creation of identity is achieved in capitalist societies:

In capitalist societies the educational system, whether lay or clerical, the structure of moral reflexes handed down from father to son, the exemplary honesty of workers who are given a medal after fifty years of good and loyal service, and the affection which springs from harmonious relations and good behavior — all these aesthetic expressions of respect for the established order serve to create around the exploited person an atmosphere of submission and of inhibition which lighten the task of policing considerably. In the capitalist countries a multitude of moral teachers, counselors and "bewilderers" separate the exploited from those in power.

Diversion 2b: The Zombie's Guide to Success and Happiness

Dale Carnegie. How to Win Friends and Influence People.

There is one all-important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we shall almost never get into trouble. In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countless friends and constant happiness. But the very instant we break that law, we shall get into endless trouble. The law is this: Always make the other person feel important.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
You want the approval of those with whom you come in contact. You want recognition of your true worth. You want a feeling that you are important in your little world. You don't want to listen to cheap, insincere flattery, but you do crave sincere appreciation. You want your friends and associates to be, as Charles Schwab puts it, "hearty in their approbation and lavish in their praise." All of us want that.

So let's obey the Golden Rule, and give unto others what we would have others give unto us.

How? When? Where? The answer is: all the time, everywhere.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Little phrases such as "I'm sorry to trouble you", "Would you be so kind as to----", "Won't you please", "Would you mind", "Thank you" — little courtesies like that oil the cogs of the monotonous grind of everyday life — and, incidentally, they are the hall-mark of good breeding.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
Three-fourths of the people you will meet to-morrow are hungering and thirsting for sympathy. Give it to them, and they will love you.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
In a Nutshell
Six Ways to Make People Like You

  • Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.

  • Rule 2: Smile.

  • Rule 3: Remember that a man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in the English language.

  • Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

  • Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.

  • Rule 6: Make the other person feel important — and do it sincerely.

This is all good, sensible advice. Dale Carnegie's enormously influential and continually best-selling book — which, significantly, is considered the first mass-market self-help book — seeks to help instill in people traits that most would consider worthy. After all, wouldn't we all want to live in a society in which all its citizens were polite, empathetic, good listeners, sincere, etc? These are all good things, so what could possibly be wrong with inculcating a society's members with such constructive traits?

Undoubtedly Carnegie's motives were honourable and sincere. But there's something unwholesome and insincere in asking people to make others feel important, and to do so with sincerity. It's asking people to internalize behavior that will make others like them. Doing so creates a natural wall in which a person masks from himself his true motivations in which one seeks to makes others feel important so as to be liked and have friends. It's asking people to put on masks that will become a part of them, so that the mask will become internalized and only further repress one from one's true self and, even, one's true self-interest. It creates a society of self-promoting dissemblers each trying to sell everyone else on their cultivated sincerity. One is turned into a salesman of oneself, made aware of how he's behaving towards other people, and always with some other end in mind.

There's something troubling when a society needs to so overtly train its members to behave in such a way to each other. We are all made salesman selling ourselves to each other, so that we can influence others as well. It is a society comprised of people on the make, of isolated individuals whose self-awareness consists of how others buy how one sells himself. It is a society comprised of individuals that cannot make a community. It is the opposite of community, in fact. People are not in it for each other, but in it for themselves to influence others to come to their way of thinking. In a society that promotes competition the one who is able to best dissemble his own identity from himself to sell himself to others will succeed the most.

Those who are not able to sell themselves adequately miss out on their ability to fit in to this fabricated community in which everyone tries to buy the person who sells himself. It is a community of fronts, masks, and hucksters who determine their identities and worth by how much they are accepted into this false community by selling themselves as a product for consumption. ("On all occassions we assume the look and appearance we want to be known for, so that the world in general is a congregation of masks." -La Rochefoucauld.) It's no wonder that people don't have a sense of who they are, or their real motivations for their actions. By continually looking outside themselves to guage their own identity people will adapt themselves in such a way to whatever dominant thinking will allow them to sell themselves to be accepted by their community. Sociological tests have repeatedly shown that an actor will alter his sense of reality to that of the group so as to fit in better. (The classic example of this is the way peer pressure will serve to get an actor to question his own accurate perception of an event or object to eventually conform to the misperception of the majority around him.)

It is, ultimately, a users guide in self-repression that only serves to separate a society's members from each other by paradoxically helping people seek a way to "fit in" and be accepted by their community. It is a textbook on how to sell yourself to others, how to live for others, how to create a false sense of acceptance to fill the communal gap left by consumer capitalism. It is a training manual in how to convert yourself into a product that others will consume. As Bernays' little book is a guidebook for Golems, Carnegie's little book is the training manual for zombies.
Ensor Masks

How Zombies Create Community Under The Golem's Gaze

Vast sectors of society are threatened by freedom — most often those very same people who proclaim their desire for it all the loudest. They are psychologically incapable of admitting difference, and seeing others live truly freely threatens them to their core. They must squelch those who seek to truly live freely, while beating them over the head with how much they value freedom. This ability to squelch freedom in freedom's name is called "doublethink" and is the psychological ability to embrace mutually contradictory beliefs without difficulty (eg, to kill an enemy in the name of Jesus). Such people cannot tolerate seeing others live in ways they disapprove, ways that Philip Green cites what "Mill called the most monstrous doctrine of all: that I am injured if you behave in a way that offends me, even if your action has no material impact on me."

Erich Fromm, in Escape From Freedom, attributes this phenomenon to be the psyche's defensive reaction to the existential nullity in which modern man finds that his individual freedom has been effectively cancelled by what he calls the "monopolistic phase of capitalism":

Those factors which tend to weaken the individual self have gained, while those strengthening the individual have relatively lost in weight. The individual's feeling of powerlessness and aloneness has increased, his "freedom" from all traditional bonds has become more pronounced, his possibilities for individual economic achievement have narrowed down. He feels threatened by gigantic forces...
An enormous though secret power over the whole of society is exercised by a small group, on the decisions of which depends the fate of a large part of society.
In short, even if his chances for success are sometimes greater, he has lost a great deal of the security and independence of the old businessman; and he has been turned into a cog, sometimes small, sometimes larger, of a machinery which forces its tempo upon him, which he cannot control, and in comparison with which he is utterly insignifcant.

He then discusses the various theatres in which this sense of insignificance conspire to nullify his sense of freedom, everything from business and the economy — both as producer and consumer — to the political and even to the geographical. All these conspire to produce a feeling of intense isolation and powerlessness. But this sense cannot be admitted to oneself:

Tooker Landscape
...this feeling of individual isolation and powerlessness...is nothing the average normal person is aware of. It is too frightening for that. It is covered over by the daily routine of his activities, by the assurance and approval he finds in his private or social relations, by success in business, by any number of distractions, by "having fun," "making contacts," "going places." But whistling in the dark does not bring light. Aloneness, fear, and bewilderment remain; people cannot stand it forever. They cannot go on bearing the burden of "freedom from"; they must try to escape from freedom altogether unless they can progress from negative to positive freedom. The principal social avenues of escape in our time are the submission to a leader, as has happened in Fascist countries [this was written in 1965], and the compulsive conforming as is prevalent in our own democracy.

The two avenues to escape this burden are, as hinted above, a move towards either a positive or negative freedom. Positive freedom is one that allows one to

relate himself spontaneously to the world in love and work, in the genuine expression of his emotional, sensuous, and intellectual capacities; he can thus become one again with man, nature, and himself, without giving up the independence and integrity of his individual self.

The other option, negative freedom, essentially means that one has embraced their "cogness" [my term]. It is far easier for the vast majority of people to embrace their "cogness" than to continue to fight an unwinnable battle, especially if they lack the cognitive and support structures necessary to find alternate ways of existing. But annihilating the sense of self to overcome unbearable feelings of powerlessness is only part of it. One does not only escape from, one escapes to, specifically one

Orozco Machine
attempt[s] to become a part of a bigger and more powerful whole outside of oneself, to submerge and participate in it. This power can be a person, an institution, God, the nation, conscience, or a psychic compulsion. By becoming part of a power which is felt as unshakably strong, eternal, and glamorous, one participates in its strength and glory.

And so the individual

ceases to be himself; he adopts entirely the kind of personality offered to him by cultural patterns; and he therefore becomes exactly as all others are and as they expect him to be. The discrepancy between "I" and the world disappears and with it the conscious fear of aloneness and powerlessness...The person who gives up his individual self and become an automaton, identical with millions of other automatons around him, need not feel alone and anxious any more. But the price he pays, however, is high; it is the loss of self.


The more the drive toward life is thwarted, the stronger is the drive toward destruction; the more life is realized, the less is the strength of destructiveness. Destructiveness is the outcome of unlived life. Those individual and social conditions that make for suppression of life produce the passion for destruction that forms, so the speak, the reservoir from which the particular hostile tendencies — either against others or against oneself — are nourished.

The problem, of course, with this is that once a society enters such a spiral it is enormously difficult to stop: it acquires a momentum that must play itself out. The essence of any personality — and by extension, any culture and any society — contains within itself the seeds of own its opposite. Personalities, both individual and cultural (for certainly cultures have personalities), are always in a dire threat of entering a spiral towards achieving its self-fulfilling prophecy. To quote Don Richard Riso in Personality Types:

Every personality type creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, bringing about the very thing it most fears while losing what it most desires as it looks for happiness...Each personality type contains within itself a source of self-deception which, if played into, invariably leads us away from the direction of our real fulfillment and deepest happiness. This is an irrevocable law of the psyche, something of which we must become convinced if we are to have the courage to look for happiness in the right place and in the right way.

He then gives psychological examples of this at work, such as how one's desperate need for love ends up creating hatred instead, or how the need for dependence will ultimately lead to abandonment.

It's the psychological and sociological incarnation of the classic Tao principle (that Hegel westernized with his theory of the dialectic) — simply, something creates its other by reason of its own existence. Eg: a subject creates an object; a bully creates a victim; an oppressor creates an oppressed; an attack creates a defense; eliminating evil creates evil. Everything creates within itself the seeds of its own destruction by creating its opposite.

Here, from Political Paranoia: The Psychopolitics of Hatred, by Robert S Robins and Jerrold M. Post, MD, is a crystal clear example of it operating in the sociological/political realm:

It is not irrational for [a paranoid] group to believe that "society is out to get us." This self-fulfilling prophecy is characteristic of the paranoid dynamic. When the group mounts its anti-establishment attacks — killing judges, bombing government buildings — society will respond, and the fantasy war will be transformed into reality. This in turn consolidates the "us versus them" mentality and dissolves whatever incohesion there was within the group, magnifying its solidarity.

As we move further along this path we can see where society is heading. Once a society is comprised of members who subsume their identity to the whole they enter a paranoid mentality that will brook no apostasy, no difference, no error. They are psychologically committed to maintaining their belief system.

Doubt and doubters threaten commitment to the cause, which requires uncritical loyalty to the movement and its leaders. So it is that uniformity of thought is required within the group. For if doubts persist and grow, the unity of the movement is threatened. Doubt implies an ability to stand outside the group and take measure; the capacity to doubt dogma implies self-assurance. There is no room for questioning, self-assured individuals in fanatic movements, for doubt is the enemy of unquestioning commitment...Blind faith depends on insecurity, and the more self-doubt, the more powerful the passion of the true believer.

As Reinhold Neibuhr has remarked: "Extreme orthodoxy betrays by its very frenzy that the poison of skepticism has entered the soul of the church; for men insist most vehemently upon their certainties when their hold upon them has been shaken. Frantic orthodoxy is a method for obscuring doubt."

That's why we see increasingly virulent denunciations and attacks on those who disagree with BushCo's neo-liberal and neo-conservative groupthink. That's why holding up mirrors to the public of the evils which Murka is inflicting on the world — such as art derived from the torture at Abu Ghraib — is just cause for inviting irrational anger and even assault.

The feeling of oneness with the crowd is powerful, but equally powerful is the feeling of distrust and persecution toward those who do not belong, the outsiders who are perceived to be intent on destroying the crowd. Those who do not subscribe to the belief system challenge the very foundations of the crowd. Insiders who question the unifying beliefs of the movement are an even greater threat. Skepticism is treason, and the insider who persists in questioning will find himself an outsider. The feelings of persecution, then, are directed against both the "attack" from without and the "conspiracy" from within. Like a besieged city, the movement must strengthen its walls against the enemy without and search for enemies within. True belief does not permit question and doubt. [ital. mine]
&sdot &sdot &sdot
There is a comfort in belonging to an association of like-minded individuals on the side of the angels and together opposing the evil, conspiring other, whether that association is a union in conflict with management or a nation at war. This human tendency to adopt the paranoid position when enmeshed in social organizations, especially in times of stress, becomes intensified when a paranoid leader is at the helm of the organization and shapes it to reinforce his own paranoid disposition.
&sdot &sdot &sdot
The various aspects of the paranoid syndrome, such as the fear that others are plotting against the paranoid person, can be seen as expressions of the alienated human condition. Paranoia from this point of view is simply man's situation when he cannot fulfill his social nature and feels forced to live outside society. Political paranoia is a perverse attempt to reconnect with others, to regain community. [em. mine]

And so we return to Erich Fromm. The "escape from freedom" is, ultimately, a desire to regain community. But the path it takes is the downward spiral of a negative self-fulfilling prophecy: in the society's neurotic eagerness to band together to create the community it has lost through systemic plateaus of alienation it brings about its greatest fear — the complete fracture of that society. It is a spiral which, if it can not or will not halt through honest introspection and evaluation, will ineluctably lead to totalitarianism, a system of enforced community demanding conformity and order because it cannot tolerate freedom and difference. Zombiehood.
Zombie Salute

A Zombie's Community

Our identity is a creation of the society in which we emerge. It is a process of never-ending unfolding that locates us in a time and place and tells us who we are.
Tooker Supermarket
If the society that creates us is inherently schizophrenic, inherently competitive, inherently based upon a notion of acquisition in which desire is synonymous with lack, inherently alienating and anti-communitarian, a society in which we are always on the make, trying to sell others, as well as ourselves, on our presentation of ourselves — what kinds of people will be formed in such a society?

Because our identity derives from the society in which we emerge we will adopt and internalize such messages in order to survive in that society — they become part of our very makeup as human beings. Consumer capitalism creates psyches that seek to isolate us from one another, to view us as competitors in a zero-sum game, a society in which community is inherently fractured. Communities shatter because Golems are threatened by their healthy actualization — after all, if people share their lawnmowers then the Golems won't be able to sell more of them so as to increase their horde. Golems will seek the help of their enforcers (police, national guard, etc.) if communities go up against them if, say, they try to build their houses where they're not wanted, or if the zombies somehow shake off their zombiehood and band together and demand better working conditions, or seek to prevent illegal and immoral wars.

When all waking thoughts are devoted to finding ways to fill a lack that can never be filled then we all compete against each other for resources we consider scarce. Is it any wonder that our sense of community is obviated?, especially seeing that its very essence is built upon the requirement that we must distrust each other as we compete for those scarce resources; yet, simultaneously, we must put on a mask of sincerity to show that we aren't competing — we pretend, even to ourselves, that we sincerely care about the other. It's only natural that means are sought to regain a sense of community. If that community cannot be sought via positive freedom — because we do not have the resources by which to perceive such an option exists given the ontological box we inhabit — then it will be sought by negative freedom. Man's need for community will find a way to happen — one way or another.

Man is a social animal, and it's only natural that when his need for communal experience, his need for actualization, his need to feel a part of his larger world — when these natural needs are dashed and rendered impossible due to the Golem's demand that communities cannot be permitted to exist — communities based upon a notion and habit of plenty, of shared resources, of giving — then that sense of lost community must and will find a way to resurface. And as fear is used as a wedge to drive a society apart to make it easier for the Golems (via their enforcers and "bewilderers") to control us, then the desire to form community becomes perverted as our evolutionary psychological demand for group identity kicks in and creates an artificial community that unites its members in increasingly angry in-group mentalities that defines itself by determining what does not belong in it. This alienation is what leads to fascism.

Diversion 3: An Extended Excerpt from Ur-Capitalism's Prophet

Marquis de Sade. Justine.

"That woman belongs to me, Therese, she is my wife and that title is doubtless the most baleful she could have, since it obliges her to lend herself to the bizarre passion whereof you have been a recent victim; do not suppose it is vengeance that prompts me to treat her thus, scorn, or any sentiment of hostility or hatred; it is merely a question of passion. Nothing equals the pleasure I experience upon shedding her blood...I go mad when it flows; I have never enjoyed this woman in any other fashion. Three years have gone by since I married her, and for three years she has been regularly exposed every four days to the treatment you have undergone. Her youth (she is not yet twenty), the special care given her, all this keeps her aright; and as the reservoir is replenished at the same rate it is tapped, she has been in fairly good health since the regime began. Our relations being what they are, you perfectly well appreciate why I can neither allow her to go out nor to receive visitors. And so I represent her as insane and her mother, the only living member of her family, who resides in a chateau six leagues from here, is so firmly convinced of her derangement that she dares not even come to see her. Not infrequently the Countess implores my mercy, there is nothing she omits to do in order to soften me; but I doubt whether she shall ever succeed. My lust decreed her fate, it is immutable, she will go on in this fashion so long as she is able; while she lives she will want for nothing and as I am incredibly fond of what can be drained from her living body, I will keep her alive as long as possible; when finally she can stand it no more, well, tush, Nature will take its course. She's my fourth; I'll soon have a fifth. Nothing disturbs me less than to lose a wife. There are so many women about, and it is so pleasant to change.

In any event, Therese, your task is to look after her. Her blood is let once every ninety-six hours; she loses two bowls of it each time and nowadays no longer faints, having got accustomed to it. Her prostration lasts twenty-four hours; she is bedridden one day out of every four, but during the remaining three she gets on tolerably well. But you may easily understand this life displeases her; at the outset there was nothing she would not try to deliver herself from it, nothing she did not undertake to acquaint her mother with her real situation: she seduced two of her maidservants whose maneuvers were detected early enough to defeat their success: she was the cause of these two unhappy creatures' ruin, today she repents what she did and, recognizing the irremediable character of her destiny, she is co-operating cheerfully and has promised not to make confederates of the help I hire to care for her. But this secret and what becomes of those who conspire to betray me, these matters, Therese, oblige me to put no one in her neighborhood but persons who, like yourself, have been impressed; and thus inquiries are avoided. Not having carried you off from anyone's house, not having to render an account of you to anyone at all, nothing stands in the way of my punishing you, if you deserve to be, in a manner which, although you will be deprived of mortal breath, cannot nevertheless expose me to interrogations or embroil me in any unpleasantnesses. As of the present moment you inhabit the world no longer, since the least impulse of my will can cause you to disappear from it. What can you expect at my hands? Happiness if you behave properly, death if you seek to play me false. Were these alternatives not so clear, were they not so few, I would ask for your response; but in your present situation we can dispense with questions and answers. I have you, Therese, and hence you must obey me...Let us go to my wife's apartment."

Having nothing to object to a discourse as precise as this, I followed my master: we traversed a long gallery, as dark, as solitary as the rest of the chateau; a door opens, we enter an antechamber where I recognize the two elderly women who waited upon me during my coma and recovery. They got up and introduced us into a superb apartment where we found the unlucky Countess doing tambour brocade as she reclined upon a chaise lounge; she rose when she saw her husband.

"Be seated," the Count said to her, "I permit you to listen to me thus. Here at last we have a maid for you, Madame," he continued, "and I trust you will remember what has befallen the others — and that you will not try to plunge this one into an identical misfortune."

"It would be useless," I said, full eager to be of help to this poor woman and wishing to disguise my designs, "yes, Madame, I dare certify in your presence that it would be to no purpose, you will not speak one word to me I shall not report immediately to his Lordship, and I shall certainly not jeopardize my life in order to serve you."

"I will undertake nothing, Mademoiselle, which might force you into that position," said this poor woman who did not yet grasp my motives for speaking in this wise; "rest assured: I solicit nothing but your care."

"It will be entirely yours, Madame," I answered, "but beyond that, nothing."

And the Count, enchanted with me, squeezed my hand as he whispered: "Nicely done, Therese, your prosperity is guaranteed if you conduct yourself as you say you will."

Dix Couple

Next: Confronting the Golem